Language and the brain are inseparable parts of learning. Without brainwork, no work can be done, let alone language learning. The first link between the brain and language was proved when someone loses the ability to speak. Scientists called it “aphasia”. This discovery explains that language and the brain are related. It has been proved that the brain has two hemispheres: left and right. The left hemisphere is mostly responsible for language production. Earlier studies show that patients who lost the ability to speak had a part of their left hemisphere damaged (Broca,1861). Later, another study found that a little further back of the brain is also responsible for language production (Wernicke, 1876). The interesting connection between these two studies is that both areas are in the left hemisphere and are connected by some nerves. The affected areas are called “Broca’s area”, and “ Wernicke’s area” after the names of the researchers. A person with a damaged “Broca area” cannot produce language though he/she may understand it. Sometimes, they can produce some words, but those words do not make any sense. With some similarities, a person with damage in Wernicke’s area loses the ability to understand language. They can pronounce words clearly but make no meaning.
There are some other studies done on the connection between the brain and language in the late 20th century. The studies suggest that electrical stimulation of some. areas of the brain affects language production. Other areas of the brain are involved in language acquisition and production. They are the motor cortex, visual cortex, and auditory cortex. These cortexes carry signals to Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas to' make meaningful language production.
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