Naturalism is a dominant feature in modern literature. It was particularly found introduced by the celebrated French author-Balzac.
Naturalism implies the presented of matters, situations, or scenes as they actually are without any kind of alteration or deviation. It communicates the truthful representation of any diversification enlargement or alteration.
Naturally, naturalism is taken as akin to realism, through this bears a much more sophisticated sense. In realism, the author conveys what he looks upon as real,but in naturalism he represents what is natural as seen or perceived by him and or others.
Of course, absolute naturalism is impossible in literature, and may not at all be conductive, too, to any literary subject. Like any photographic reality, it often affects the creative art in the artist, enfeebles his inventive and imaginative vitality and thereby affects the spontaneity of his creation and art to a certain extent. An artistic adjustment between naturalism and imaginative creativity is always a necessity.
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