'Drama of Ideas', pioneered by George Bernard Shaw, is a type of discussion play in which the clash of ideas and hostile ideologies reveals. the most acute problems of social and personal morality. This type of comedy is different from the conventional comedy such as Shakespearean comedies. In a Drama of Ideas there is a little action but discussion. Characters are only the vehicles of ideas. The conflict which is the essence of drama is reached through the opposing ideas of different characters. The aim of Drama of Ideas is to educate people through entertainment.
Arms and the Man is an excellent example of the Drama of Ideas. Here very little happens except discussion. The plot is built up with dynamic and unconventional ideas regarding war and love. Shaw criticises the romantic notion of war and love prevailing in ; the contemporary society. Unlike the conventional comedies, here characters are engaged in lengthy discussion and thus bring out ideas contrary to each other.
Drama has different types. One specific type is of the ideas. This is called the drama or play of ideas. As the very name signifies,the play of ideas are intended for propagating ideas on society, social life and even individual relationship. Such plays differ from romantic plays, and are not artificial comedies of the sophisticated manners of a fashionable society. These comedies are concerned with life and society, the problems of life and society, and present them in different perspective. These plays of ideas are fundamentally socio-realistic and have a didactic value.
Shaw is called the father of the theatre of ideas. His plays are found specially packed with ideas on varied matters. In the opinion of potts, '' What he is fundamentally concerned with is ideas''. In Shaw's own language- ''The function of comedy is to dispel unconsciousness by turning the Searchlight of the keenest moral and intellectual analysis right on it. ''It is by his searchlight of ideas that shaw lights up the moral and intellectual bluntness of the society of his times and aims at converting people to his own moral and ideal.
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