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Home » , » The Merchant of Venice: Tragedy or Comedy
Shakespeare' the Merchant of Venice is one of his most famous dramas. However, while most of them are often classified as either tragedy or comedy easily, this one doesn't slot into one category. the rationale is that while there are comic events and elements within the drama, there are tragic ones too that sometimes reach the extent of absolutely horrifying. At the core of the drama are three things. the primary is the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio, the second is the romance between Bassanio and Portia, and therefore the third but the foremost important is the bond between Antonio and Shylock. Shylock may be a greedy moneylender and a sophisticated villain. He shows mixed character traits and that is why at some points while he appears a nasty villain, at others he's plainly a businessman who amuses by his talk and quotes. Still, if the drama gets so dark and tragic at points then it's due to his cunning and villainous attitude.

The romance between Bassanio and Portiaians is an arisharisec part of the drama and therefore the bond between Antonio and Shylock is this e tragic part. Bassanio may be a poor no nobleman who loves Portia and wishes money to ascertain her. However, he doesn't have enough money and Antonio's ships are out at the ocean .thanks to this reason Antonio is forced to hunt financial assistance from Shylock who lends the condition that if Antonio fails he will need to forsake a pound of flesh from anywhere Shylock wills. The deadly bond is struck and provides rise to a series of tragic events. While Bassanio is gone to ascertain Portia, Antonio's ships get caught during a storm and don't return.

He is unable to pay the cruel Jew back and thus is forced to fulfill the bond as cruel Shylock wants. Antonio writes to Bassanio and if he has forgotten his friend. He writes that he had not to paid the Jew and can lose one pound of flesh as per the contract. Why Shylock is bent on filling Antonio because he has offended the Jew in with past calling him a miser and greedy person. The Jews weren't treated with respect in Venice which made Shylock strike this plan of revenge. Antonio who wont to be a proud businessman forced to bend before Shylock's will. things are allergic not only for Antonio and Bassanio except for Portia too. Antonio has not been ready to pay his loan and can need to let the Jew have his rightful share per the contract. Bassanio is unhappy because he believes he's the explanation for all this. Portia is gloomy because she cannot see Bassanio unhappy.

However, tragedy rises to some extent then comic things happen within the drama. Portia may be a witty girl who finds out w to defeat Shylock. The contract mentions that he can have a pound of flesh but not a pint of blood from Antonio's body. Shylock loses his case in court and he's punished for plotting against an innocent Christian. He loses all his wealth and property to his daughter and Antonio. Even his daughter leaves him to marry a Christian. eventually, everyone except Shylock is left feeling happy. Shylock is left in a poor situation due to his evil plot to urge revenge on Antonio. His evil plan leads to nothing but insult and misery for the Jew.

Shakespeare has balanced comedy with tragedy within the drama. He has used both the weather in it to form it interesting and have a long-lasting flavor. The cunning heart of the Jew, the innocence of Antonio, and the love and romance of Portia all make the drama engaging and interesting. So, to classify it as either a tragedy or a comedy would be wrong. Shakespeare's art has, however, created an excellent balance between the 2 which has seen tons of appreciation since the time it had been written. Even within the character of Shylock, one can find both of the weather and while his contract ad attitude towards the poor Christian businessman are horrible, at several points he's quite hilarious together with his amusing style and talk.


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