Post Colonial Narratives Of Heart of Darkness
Joseph Conrad an immigrant who got citizenship within the UK became a prominent bourgeoisie of European culture, traditions ideas. This essay seeks to construct Post Colonial Narratives about the novel: Heart of Darkness.
I have developed certain diagnostic tools for a post colonial narrative and that they are: Philosophical Etymology, Psychological Pharmacology, Existential Ontology and Post modern theology.
Philosophical Etymology
The Heart of Darkness may be a metaphor for understanding how the colonial mind connotes the unknown because the wild, savage and untamable. The Occident looks down upon the Orient as lacking a befitting civilization and together of a misanthrope. Cruising down an African river, Conrad depicts the people living there with colossal ignorance. The motto: capture, tame and subdue rings the bells of the day. African culture is viewed as a macabre culture. Next Conrad uses the term: NIGGER, a term of insult for black culture. We all skills much Black Culture has bequeathed to civilization. Especially reminiscent is Black Culture's contribution within the field of Jazz, Blues and Gospel. Black culture has also infused the literary world with doyens like Morrison and Chinua Achebe. Conrad takes the view point that European ideas, customs and traditions need to be indoctrinated and thus there's a requirement of taming the savage. Yes, the guts of Darkness may be a narrative wounding the ethos of Black Culture and its ramifications for civilization.
Psychological Pharmacology
Here I take under consideration Jacque Lacan's Gaze. The gaze in Lacan's conception may be a metaphor for libido, for machismo. The gaze features a clinical effect. Let's analyze how the gaze works in Conrad's Heart of Darkness. The gaze may be a clinically colonial one, eager to pulverize the culture, values and traditions of the colonized. The gaze wants to confiscate, appropriate and tyrannize the colonized. The gaze is an instrument of a colonial Phallus.
Looking at novel from a Freudian point of view, we understand that the phallus creates seeds of anarchy, rebellion in its plan to infiltrate black culture. The Oedipus complex takes a u turn and therefore the father is valorized over the Mother. Ideas of the ecu mind are phallic and become that of conquering the fetishes of African culture. Next we will check out the Novel from a Jungian point of view. The protagonist within the novel bears the archetype of the Devil. The Devil may be a European pervert with a corrupt tool. The Devil is merely curious about exploiting, dominating and ruining the resources of the Africans.
Existential Ontology
Existential philosophy with its brother (ontology) or being connotes three states of being: being in itself, being for itself and being for others. Being may be a primeval consciousness. Being in itself is that the direction of consciousness towards a goal. Being for itself is that the gratification of desires. within the colonial World View: being for itself becomes a political philosophy of action. Europe and America are notorious for slave trafficking. it's pertinent to ask: when was slavery annulled? it's a tide within the history of mankind.
Postmodern Theology
Postmodern theology understands how a binary divide is made . a symbol is formed from a signifier (a thing) and therefore the signified (idea). Suppose I say: Dove is peace: Dove is that the signifier, the thing and Peace, the signified, the idea. The Binary divide that's created during this work is white versus black, savage versus civilized. The course of the narrative is strewn with spittle of contempt. The Europeans are light flaggers within the dark continent of Africa.
people are knowing black culture day by day. It's becoming famous. The more people are knowing this culture the more they are loving this.
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