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Home » , » Comment on the theme of forgiveness and reconciliation in The Tempest
The Tempest by William Shakespeare has two major themes. One is the pursuit of power and its results, and the other is regeneration, forgiveness, and reconciliation. According to some critics, the second theme is more important than the first. The theme of regeneration, forgiveness, and reconciliation is a striking features of the play. This theme offers a positive vision to us. Yes, I agree with the view that regeneration, forgiveness, and reconciliation are the major themes in the play.

It is chiefly Alonso who is shown as undergoing the process of regeneration. For some strange reason, Shakespeare does not bring the case of Alonso into focus. Shakespeare concentrates his attention on Alonso. Just after the shipwreck, Alonso is shown to us as lamenting the supposed death of Ferdinand. It seems to Alonso that Ferdinand had perished in the storm, though actually, Ferdinand is still alive. Thus Alonso is here undergoing the mental torment which a father would naturally undergo when he loses a son.

Subsequently, we find Alonso roaming all over the island to look for Ferdinand in the hope that Ferdinand might still be alive. This hope is aroused in him by Gonzalo and Francisco. However, now Prospero not only forgives Alonso but forgives the other two sinners. It is Alonso whose regeneration has been depicted before us, and the various stages of his regeneration have been indicated above.

Prospero is the Duke of Milan. He has suffered greatly from his own brother, Antonio with the connivance of the King of Naples, Alonso. However, in course of the play, the enemies come under the mercy of Prospero. Alonso suffers the loss of his son Ferdinand and finally repents for his sin against Prospero. He feels sorrow for his misdeed. All these pave the way for his reconciliation with Prospero. The reconciliation is fulfilled by the marriage of Ferdinand to Prospero's daughter, Miranda. However, colonialism and usurpation are two very important themes delineated in The Tempest. But regeneration, forgiveness, and reconciliation are also the major themes that the playwright has suggested very actively.



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Extremely helpful

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