The Tempest is the last drama of William Shakespeare. Here we meet Antonio who is the younger brother of Prospero. He is the legitimate Duke of Milan. We meet him in the very beginning scene where he does not show any nervousness in the face of danger which threatens the ship. From the talk and the behavior of Sebastian and Antonio in the beginning scene, we find that Antonio has a sort of understanding with Antonio. He is categorical in his speaking. He has imperious nature.
In the play, Antonio behaves like a traitor. He had taken undue advantage of Prospero's kindness towards him and of Prospero's trust in him. Prospero had entrusted the administration of his country to Antonio because Prospero was himself spending most of his time in his study of books on philosophy and necromancy. But Antonio had made use of this opportunity to raise himself to a position of power and had then succeeded, with the help of King Alonso of Naples, in driving out Prospero from Milan. From Prospero's account, it becomes clear to us that Antonio is a scoundrel. At one point in conversion, Sebastian says that Alonso himself is responsible for the misfortune which has befallen him. The most noteworthy point here is that Antonio's whole character is revealed to us through this one speech in which he expresses his total disregard for his conscience, his total lack of scruples, and his ready wit. Antonio and Sebastian resemble each other in most respects. Both are by nature and temperament mockers. Both dislike Gonzalo who is a good man.
To sum up, we can say that Antonio has some traits in his character. These are treachery, cruelty, lack of conscience, ambition, and so on. He is a villain no doubt. He supplies plenty of comedy in this play.
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