These satirical and critical lines have been taken from the famous tragedy Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the world famous dramatist. Here Hamlet looks down upon the frail character of the womenfolk in general while mourning his mother’s dirty marriage with his uncle Claudius.
Hamlet’s hatred for his mother’s immediate marriage is beyond limit. He wishes that the solid flesh of his human body got melted and dissolved into a liquid so that its grossness could disappear. Even he wishes that God had not made suicide against his laws. Life has now no meaning to Hamlet. He finds his life purposeless. The whole routine of life on this earth seems to him tedious, futile, tiresome and uninteresting. Life has become a burden that he cannot - get on with any longer. For that reason he considers it as a matter of shame to continue with this life, and to lead such an uninteresting and tasteless experience. He finds the world full of harmful things. His father was deeply attached to his mother. He was his mother’s dear husband. But he cannot imagine that this woman whom his father loved so deeply and madly had married his uncle within a month of his father’s death. He finds the happening very shameful and unpleasant. His mother’s case represents for Hamlet that a woman has no strength in her. A woman is an exquisite embodiment of weakness or frailty. Here he refers not only to his mother bout also to all other woman in general.
Indeed, the quoted lines reflect the disloyalty of Gertrude towards her former husband. Universality is unmistakable here.
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