Comedy refers to a literary work which deals with humorous, familiar events and the behaviour of ordinary people speaking the language of ordinary people, less exalted and less serious than a tragedy, commonly having a happy ending. According, to Aristotle, “Comedy ... is an imitation of worse persons; yet so much are bad with respect to general depravity, but in that particular species of turpitude which is calculated to incite a‘ridicule. This is either produced by mistakes of judgement, that are not attended with dangers, or fatal consequences or by deformity of body, provided it is not occasioned by pain.” The main characteristics of comedy generally are:
1. All the comedy deals with some abnormality.
2. Predominance of love is found in comedy.
3. There are elements of ludicrous in comedy.
4. The superficial aspects of life are dealt with in comedy.
5. All the comedy end happily.
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