"And Death Shall Have No Dominion" is a magical look at death's control over humanity and its inability to control everything, despite its power. Any of death's evils can be defeated by mankind, and their journey to the next world brings them all together. Passing doesn't separate however unites similarly every one of those that lived separated. The brave and strong men who stood up to the power of death in the second half of the poem never gave up, even when they were tortured and beautiful things were destroyed.
Stanza 1
The poem's title, "And Death Shall Have No Dominion," appears at the start and end of each stanza. In the principal refrain, the artist conveys that in death, all are one. When someone dies, race and skin color no longer have any significance. The corpse reunites with the natural world. In death, everybody is bare and will be one. In death, there is no discrimination. According to the poet, men become part of constellations after death, becoming a part of something larger than they were when they were alive. The bones of the deceased men will be covered in eternal glory, and stars will be placed at their elbows and feet. The poet states in the lines that come what may, the men will regain their sanity. The people who have suffocated in the ocean of human distress will rise in the future and taste satisfaction. In addition, lovers who have parted ways will reunite after death. At long last, he utilizes the last lines, 'and passing will have no domain.'
Stanza 2
The second verse of 'And Passing Will Have No Domain' takes the peruser to a memorial park situated on the ocean bottom. The poet asserts that sailors' or other individuals' souls can be retrieved from the sea. He said that these people were brave when they died. They have been tortured by their lives and put to the test by the wheel of time, but neither of these things could break them. Faith has split in two, and unicorn evils will rip it apart with their horns. The "unicorn" is a mythical creature from ancient times that is sometimes used to represent God or Christ. Poison can be neutralized by unicorn horns, which are considered harder than diamonds. Their tears can mend wounds both of physical and mental nature. Again the refrain closes with the lines, 'and demise will have no domain addressing the victory and principal subject of the sonnet.
Stanza 3
The land along the seashore is discussed in the final stanza. The poet declares at the beginning of the final stanza that the dead are no longer bothered by the materialistic world and their homes' physical components. Gulls are sea birds that no longer let their cries reach their ears. Waves will make loud noises that they won't be able to hear. However, a brave new life, like a flower that "lifts its head to blows of the rain," will emerge. Their guiltlessness will burst through like daisies. Their blamelessness at last wins over the sun and separates it. The expression 'tops of the characters hammer through daisies' clues at the characters of those dead individuals who hammer through the agony until honesty breaks them. The awakening of innocence is symbolized by the daisy's blooming at dawn. Similarly, demise becomes weak as humankind recaptures virtue and recalls trust, dismissing agony and contempt. Along these lines, passing can be survived, and 'demise will have no domain.'
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