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An overarching theme in Lord of the Flies is the conflict between the human urge to be savage and the rules of civilization designed to contain and minimize it. The conflict is dramatized by the clash between Ralph and Jack, each representing civilization and savagery. Different ideologies are expressed through each boy's different attitudes toward authority. While Ralph uses his authority to set the rules, protect the group's well-being, and enforce the moral and ethical norms of the British society the boys grew up in, Jack uses other boys to satisfy his urges. interested in gaining power over the When Jack becomes the leader of his own tribe, he demands complete obedience from the other boys who not only serve him but worship him as an idol. Jack's thirst for power suggests that barbarism resembles a totalitarian system of exploitation and illicit power rather than anarchy.

Golding's emphasis on the negative consequences of barbarism can be read as a clear endorsement of civilization. In the opening chapters of the novel, he points out that one of the key functions of civilization is to provide an outlet for the wild impulses inherent in each individual. For example, Jack's initial desire to kill a pig to show his bravery is directed toward a hunt that provides the entire party with much-needed food. As long as he lives within the rules of civilization, Jack is no threat to other boys. His impulses are diverted to productive work. Rather, when Jack refuses to acknowledge the legitimacy of society and rejects Ralph's authority, a dangerous side of his character really comes out. It may be true, but it suggests that civilization can soften its full expression.

The gulf between civilization and barbarism is also conveyed through the novel's main symbols.

Conch is associated with Ralph and Lord of the Flies is associated with Jack. The conch shell is a powerful symbol of the island's democratic order, confirming both Ralph's electoral leadership and rallying power among the boys. However, as the conflict between Ralph and Jack deepens, the conch shell loses its symbolic meaning. Jack explains that the conch shell is meaningless as a symbol of authority and order and that its loss of importance indicates the decline of civilization on the island. The offering, the Lord of the Flies, has become increasingly important as a symbol of Jack's authority over the island's barbarian rule and the other boys. It also depicts the union of boys under Jack's control.

One of Lord of the Flies' main concerns for him is the role of the individual in society. Much of the trouble on the island stems from the boys' unspoken commitment to the principle of self-interest over principle, including firefighting the signal, lack of shelter, the massive abandonment of Ralph's camp, and the murder of Piggy. . of the community. That is, boys would rather have their individual needs met than work together as a cohesive society, and in a cohesive society everyone must act for the benefit of the group. and communal principles are symbolized by Jack and Ralph respectively. Jack wants to "have fun" on the island and quench his thirst for blood, while Ralph wants to ensure the group's rescue. Ralph's vision is the most rational, but because it requires the effort and sacrifice of other boys, they are quickly shunned from social responsibility to satisfy their individual desires. Hmm. Beacons are put out when Jack's hunters fail to arrive in time.

The boys' selfishness naturally culminates when they decide to join Jack's tribe, a society without shared values ​​that is appealing to the fact that Jack offers them complete freedom. His tribe's popularity reflects the tremendous appeal of a society based on individual liberty and self-interest, but as the reader will soon see, the freedom Jack offers his tribe is an illusion. am. Jack applies punitive and irrational rules, restricting the actions of his sons far more than Ralph. He also proposes that pure individual freedom is an impossible value to maintain within group dynamics that always tend towards the social organization. It's about what an individual is willing to give up to get the benefit.

Those who refuse to accept the authority of the Beast and Jack. The destruction of the conch where Piggy was murdered means that the island's civilization has been completely wiped out, and Ralph's destruction of the Lord of the Flies means that Ralph intends to use the stick as a spear. is shown. By the final scene, the barbarians have completely replaced civilization as the island's dominant system.

The Lord of the Flies questions the ideal relationship between humans and the natural world. Thrown into the island's completely natural environment, the boys, who never lived or inhabited by humans, express different attitudes towards nature, reflecting their own personalities and ideological leanings. Boys' relationships with nature generally fall into one of his three categories:

Submission to nature, harmony with nature, submission to nature. The first category, the conquest of nature, is embodied by Jack. Your first impulse on the island is to track down, hunt and kill pigs. He tries to impose human will on the natural world and bend it to his own desires. Jack's subsequent actions, especially starting wildfires, reflect his growing disdain for nature and demonstrate his militaristic and violent nature. The second category, Harmony with Nature, is embodied by Simon, who finds beauty and peace in the natural environment, as evidenced by his first retreat into a remote forest glade. increase. For Simon, nature is not man's enemy, but part of the human experience. The third category, submission to nature, is embodied by Ralph and stands in opposition to Jax. Unlike Simon, Ralph does not find peaceful harmony with the natural world. Like Jack, he sees it as a hindrance to human life on the island. However, while Jack responds to this perceived conflict by acting destructively towards animals and plants, Ralph responds by withdrawing from the natural world. Nor will I participate in the advance into the deep wilderness. Rather, he stays on the most humanized part of the island: the beach. While Jack's hunt demonstrates his violent nature towards other boys and readers, Ralph's desire to be away from the natural world reflects both his unwillingness to take risks and his affinity for civilization. is emphasized.


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