In "Lord of the Flies," by William Golding, published in 1954, a group of young boys discovers themselves stranded on an island by themselves. Without any adults to act as a civilizing impulse, the children eventually turn violent and brutal. They establish rules and a system of organization. The story of the boys' descent into chaos serves as a metaphor for how essentially terrible human nature is in the backdrop of the book
Creating a Society:
A little boy named Ralph and a boy with chubby cheeks and glasses enters the story as they enter a lagoon wearing their school uniforms. They belong to a group of youngsters who were evacuated during the war and who survived the plane crash that followed what they believed to be an enemy strike, as we soon learn. Since there are no grownups in sight, Ralph and the other boy decide they must get the attention of any other kids who are still alive. To call the other boys, Ralph finds a conch shell and starts to blow into it. The obese boy admits that he was once known as Piggy by the other kids.
Piggy contends that they need to get prepared because they might be trapped for some time, contrary to Ralph's belief that help is on the way. Although it is not a unanimous decision, the other boys choose Ralph to be their leader. The choir boys, led by Jack Merridew, do not support Ralph. Ralph permits them to organize a hunting squad. The boys are urged by Ralph to enjoy their freedom, cooperate for their mutual survival, and maintain a smoke signal on the beach to draw any potential rescuers. Ralph quickly establishes a crude form of government and order. Each boy decides that the conch holder gets uninterrupted speaking time.
The three well-liked leaders—Ralph, Jack, and a youngster by the name of Simon—start an uneasy alliance. They discover fruit trees and a herd of wild pigs, which Jack decides he and his friends will go hunting for. They explore the island and discover it is deserted. Despite his relationship with Ralph, Piggy swiftly becomes an outcast as the lads start a fire with his spectacles. Simon starts supervising the building of the shelters out of concern for the younger boys, or "littluns."
Not Enough Order:
However, the initial flurry of organization fades quickly. Without grownups, the majority of the boys prefer to play and sleep instead of doing any kind of labor. Rumors of a terrifying monster lurking in the trees cause dread at night. Jack disputes Ralph's claim that monsters don't exist. His popularity grows as a result of his assurances that his hunters will identify and eliminate the monster.
The boys who are responsible for maintaining the signal fire are distracted when Jack collects a bunch of them for a hunting trip. The fire extinguishes. A boat soon passes the island, but because there isn't any fire, it doesn't notice the guys. Ralph confronts Jack after seeing him and the other hunters return triumphantly with a pig, lamenting that they wasted their chance to save the animal. Jack beats Piggy, smashing his glasses, upset that his moment was spoilt but knows he can't fight Ralph.
Ralph says he wants to leave is the leader, but Piggy persuades him to continue as the guys prepare and devour the pig voraciously—disregarding caution against eating uncooked pork. Piggy is afraid about what might occur.
The monster:
A fighter pilot is forced to eject during a duel between two aircraft one evening near the island. His body glides down to the island after being killed in the air and becomes caught in the trees. A young youngster is horrified and certain that he has seen the monster when he discovers his corpse and parachute. As they set out to find the creature, Jack, Ralph, and a fourth child called Roger to come across the corpse and flee in panic.
Ralph convenes a conference because he is now certain that the creature is genuine. Jack tries to overthrow Ralph, but the boys reject his removal. In his rage, Jack departs, declaring that he will find his own tribe, and Roger skulks off to follow him. Due to the roast pigs that Jack and his hunters can give, more and more boys start to smuggle themselves away to join Jack's tribe. Ralph, Piggy, and Simon work to keep order at the shelters as Jack and his followers start to paint their faces and act in a more vicious and primal way.
Simon frequently retreats into the woods for some alone time since he occasionally suffers from mental attacks. He stays hidden and watches as Jack and his tribe carry out a sacrificial ceremony that involves impaling a pig's head on a sharp stick. Simon has a hallucinatory conversation with it, referring to it as the Lord of the Flies, and it soon becomes covered in flies. Simon is informed by The Pig's Head that he is mistaken to believe the monster is a physical being since the lads themselves are the monster. The Lord of the Flies then warns Simon that because he is the soul of man, the other boys will kill him.
Simon finds the dead pilot as he is leaving and understands that he has discovered evidence that the monster does not exist. He sprints back to the other boys, who have started a bizarre ritual dance. When Simon starts crashing through the trees, the boys mistake him for the monster, and they all attack him in fright, including Ralph and Piggy, killing him.
Revolt and rescue:
while the conch is a representation of strength, Jack has come to understand that Piggy's glasses—the group's lone tool for igniting a fire—actually possess true power. To steal Piggy's spectacles, Jack conducts a raid against Ralph and his surviving buddies with the help of the majority of the lads. Ralph then travels to Castle Rock, a rock feature that serves as their residence on the opposite side of the island. He takes the conch and orders Jack to give back the glasses, accompanied by Piggy and just the twin's Sam and Eric. Sam and Eric are imprisoned by Jack's tribe, and Ralph and Jack battle. Piggy attempts to address the boys after becoming scared and taking the conch. Piggy is killed and the conch is destroyed when Roger sneaks up above him and drops a big rock on him. Sam and Eric are left in Ralph's wake as he flees. The twins are harmed by Jack until they choose to join his tribe.
Ralph is informed by Sam and Eric that the hunters want to kill him and impale his head on a stick before Jack gives the order for them to pursue him. Ralph hides in the woods, but Jack chases him away by setting the trees on fire. Ralph tries to flee as the island is being consumed by fire. He stumbles and falls after reaching the beach, only to land at the feet of a British naval commander. A ship noticed the flames and arrived to look into them.
Ralph and Jack are among the kids who all of a sudden start crying as they collapse in worn-out sorrow. The officer is shocked and expresses sadness that such misbehavior and brutality would occur among fine British youngsters. He then makes a turn and started his own warship.
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