The Tempest by William Shakespeare is one of the superb and finest romances in English literature. Almost all the elements of romance are present in this play. Before going to describe the play as a romance, first we have to know what romance is.
Romance is a fictitious story of love and adventure. It is an extended work of fiction either in prose or in verse. In the broadest sense, any extended work of fiction that deals with the spirit of adventure, imagination, emotions, passionate love, supernatural, strange places, heroic achievements, etc. Is called romance. In a romance the story and the happenings are mostly unrealistic; the logic of cause and effect is ignored; and fortune governs the whole action. In Shakespearean drama, romance frequently includes the separation and disruption of families, followed by their eventual reunion and reconciliation; the love of a virtuous young heroine and handsome hero, and the recovery of lost children. The Spirit of adventure is one of the most important elements of romance. The Tempest is a fine example of romance because it includes the spirit of adventure. The play is romantic because it echoes the spirit of adventure of the Elizabethan age. The play contains certain references to the tales told by travelers on their return home, and to the strange experiences which those travelers had undergone. The use of supernaturalism is an important feature of romance. In the play, we find the use of supernatural powers.
The whole action of the story is governed by the supernatural powers of Prospero operating through Ariel. Ariel is a spirit of the air. He is ready to carry out Prospero's commands. Moreover, the play reads like a fairy tale. The romantic love affair is another important element of romance. In the play, find the romantic love affair between Ferdinand and Miranda. They both fall in love with each other at first sight. Act III, Scene-I gives us a romantic love affair scene between Ferdinand and Miranda. Both Ferdinand and Miranda love each other so deeply. In The Tempest, the most romantic thing is the love episode between Ferdinand and Miranda. However, The Tempest possesses several elements of romance. It has a description of a perilous journey at sea, supernatural agents, and love at first sight. Ferdinand and Miranda fall in love with each other at first sight. So play is appropriate to describe the play as a romance.
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