One word substitutions or Single word most important topic for English subject. its helpful to job and gain educational knowledge.
1. Archaeologist - One who is interested in ancient buildings and relics
2. Astrologer - One who foretells thing by the start
3. Astronomer - One who studies heavenly bodies
4. Auctioneer - One who sells things at public auction
5. Colleague - A person / One working in the same place with another
6. Drover - One who deals in cattle
7. Jockey - One who rides the horses in races
8. Florist - One who sells flowers
9. Philatelist - One who collects postage stamps
10. Patriot - One who loves his country
11. Traitor - A person who does not love his country
12. Martyr - A person who makes Supreme sacrifice for his country / One who dies for a Nobel cause
13. Emigrant, Expatriate - A person leaving his native country to settle in another
14. Immigrant - A person coming to a foreign land to settle there
15. Alien / Foreigner - A person reside in country of which he is not a citizen
16. Philanthropist - A person who loves mankind. One trying to do good to mankind
17. Misanthrope /- ist - A person who mankind / A hater of mankind
18. Misogynist - A person who hates women / A hater of women
19. Feminist - One who works for welfare of women
20. Iconoclast - One who breaks images
21. Imposter - One who pretends to be what he is not
22. Contemporary - One who living at the same time with another / Two persons living in the same age
23. Predecessor - One who has been before another
24. Successor - One who comes to be after another
25. Somnambulist - One who walks in sleep
26. Insolvent, Bankrupt - A person who has no Money to pay off his debts
27. Optimist - A person who looks to the bright side of life
28. Pessimist - A person who looks to the dark side of life
29. Vintner - One who deals in wine
30. Tanner - One who converts raw hide into leather
31. Usurer - One who lends money at a very high interest
32. Janitor - One who takes care of building
33. Pedestrian - One who goes on foot
34. Talkative - Talk randomly
35. Advocate - One who takes up legal profession
36. Author - One who writes books
37. Anthropologist - One who studies the evolution of mankind
38. Butcher - One who sells ment
39. Beggar - One who lives on alms
40. Carpenter - One who makes furniture
41. Compositor - One who sets types in a printing press
42. Confectioner - One who sells sweets and pastries
43. Palmist - One who reads the palm
44. Druggist - one who sells drugs
45. Fishmonger - One deals in fish
46. Funambulist - One who walks on ropes
47. Journalist - One who writes for the newspaper
48. Mimic - One who imitates the voice, gestures etc. or another
49. Pilot - One who files an aeroplane
50. Potter - One who makes earthen pots
51. Porter - One who carries burden for hire
52. Surgeon - One who treats diseases by operation
53. Wheel Wright - One who makes wheels for carriages and carts
54. Librarian - A person in charge of a library
55. Mayor - The head of a town Council or Corporation
56. Archer - One who shoots with bows and arrows
57. Exiled - One who is banished from his own country
58. Extravagant - One who spends lavishly
59. Prophet - One who foretells events
60. Refugee - One who takes refuge in a foreign country
61. Bellicose - A person who is in habit of quarrelling
62. Sot - A person who is a hard - brinker
63. Idolater - A person who worship idols
64. Diplomat - One who is skilled in dealing with people in business / politics
65. Ambassador - One who is a diplomat of a government in other country
66. Ambassador - A political representative of the highest order from one country to another
67. Altruist - A person who devotes his life to welfare of others
68. Reticent - A person who is reserved in speech
69. Prostitute - A woman who sells her body for money
70. Tout - A person who brings customers for a prostitute
71. Philanderer - A Person who makes insincere love
72. Cartographer - One who draws maps [cartography =process of making maps
73. Cobbler - One who mends shoes
74. Plumber - One who mends water pipes
75. Sculptor - One who carves on / makes statues using clay
76. Architect - One who plans and draws the designs of building
77. Geologist - One who studies rocks and soil / the formation of earth
78. Meteorologist - one who studies meteorology
79. Hawker - One who travels for selling articles
80. Lexicographer - A person who writes / complies/ edits dictionfish
81. Linguist - A person who is skilled in several foreign languages
82. Polyglot - A person who knows / speaks many languages
83. Novelist - One who writes novel
84. Playwright - A person who writes plays
85. Stenographer - One who writes shorthand
86. Teetotaler - A person who abstains completely from alcoholic drinks
87. Vegetarian - A Person who does not eat meat or fish
88. Accomplice - A partner in crime/ A person who helps you break the law
89. Eccentric - A person who has unusual habits
90. Henpecked - A husband who follows the dictates of his wife
91. Curator - A person in charge of a museum
92. Truant - A student who stays away from the school without permission
93. Malingerer - One who pretends illness to escape duty
94. Stoic - A person who remains indifferent to pain or pleasure
95. Fatalist - A person who believes in the powers of fate
96. Epicura/ Epicurean - One who believes in the theory of “eat, drink & be merry ”
97. Cosmopolitan - One free from National prejudices or looking upon the whole world as his own or who is at home in all countries
98. Blasphemy - To use dirty language Against God or religion
99. Monotheism - Belief in only one / single God.
100. Polytheism - Belief in many gods.
101. Pantheism - Belief in all gods. / Belief thet God exist in natural things
102. Theist - One who believes in the existence of God
103. Atheist - One who dose not believe in God
104. Agnostic - One who is not sure of God
105. Monotheist - One who believes in one God
106. Polytheist - One who believes in many gods & goddesses
107. Pantheist - One who believes in many / all gods & goddesses
108. Bingo - One who has narrow religion views
109. Apostate - One who gives up/ abandons one's religion / religious faith
110. Renegade - One who gives up religious faith
111. Infidel - A disbeliever in religion
112. Bigotry / Fanaticism - Religious intolerance / narrow religious views
113. Iconoclasm - Breaking of religious or social images
114. Pilgrim - One who undertakes a journey to a holy place
115. Altar - The platform in a Temple where idols are kept
116. Pulpit - The platform from where a priest delivers his Lecture
117. Idolatry - Worshipping idols / images
118. Iconoclast - One who breaks idols / images
119. Cassock - The gown worn by priests
120. Scripture - The holy books/ writings of a particular religion
121. Aisle - The passage between the seats in a church
122. Oculist / Ophthalmologist - A specialist in eye diseases. ( eye specialist )
One who attends the diseases of the eye
123. Dermatologist - A doctor who treats skin diseases. ( skin specialist)
124. Cardiologist - A doctor who treats the bone diseases. ( bone specialist)
125. Psychiatrist - A specialist in mental disorders or maladjustment.
126. Optician - One who tests eyesight and sells spectacles.
127. Neurologist - A doctor who treats nerve disease. ( nerve specialist)
128. Pediatrician - A doctor who studies and treats the diseases of children
129. Omniscient - One who knows or sees everything / has unlimited knowledge
130. Omnipresent - One who is present everywhere ( = ubiquitous)
131. Omnipotent - One who us all - powerful (= All mighty , Supreme)
132. Omnivorous - One who eats everything ( = All eater)
134. Amphibians - Animals living in both land and water
135. Aquatic animals - Animals living in water
136. Cannibals - Animals living on human flesh
137. Gregarious animals - Animals living in flocks/ groups
138. Mammals - Animals sucking their mother's breast
139. Carnivorous animals - Animals living on meat ( carnivore)
140. Graminivorous animals Herbivorous animals - Animals living on grass Animals living on only plants / herbs / grass ( harvivore)
141. Omnivorous animals - Animals eating all kinds/ types of food ( omnivore)
142. Vegetarian animals - Animals living on vegetables
143. Autobiography - An account of life written by self
144. Biography - The life account of a person
145. Diary - A book in which the events of each day are recorded
146. Bibliography - A list or collection of books Agenda - A list of the topics to be discussed at a meeting
147. Episode - An incident in a series of incidents
148. Epitaph - Words inscribed on a tombstone / An inscription on a tomb
149. Ledger - A nook of accounts showing debits and credits
150. A maiden speech - A speech delivered for the first time in an Assembly
151. A verbose speech - A speech full of too many words
152. Extempore - A speech made without previous preparation
153. Dictionary - A book that consists of an alphabetical list of the words
154. Directory - A book containing names and addresses of the persons
155. Glossary - A list of special or technical words with definitions
156. Encyclopedia - A book containing information of all subjects
157. Suicide - Murder of one's own self /The act of killing oneself
158. Homicide - Murderer or murder of a man
159. Infanticide - Murderer or murder of an infant / child
160. Patricide - Murderer or murder of a father
161. Matricide - Murderer or murder of a mother
162. Fratricide - Murderer or murder of a brother
163. Sororicide - Murderer or murder of a sister
164. Parricide - Murderer or murder of a parent
165. Regicide - Murderer or murder of / the crime of killing a king or queen
167. Uxoricide - Murderer or murder of a wife
168. Genocide - Murder of a whole nation, particular race / religious group
169. Monogamy - The practice of keeping one wife or husband.
170. Bigamy - The crime of marrying a person while already legally married to someone else.
171. Polygamy - The practice of keeping many wives or having more then one spouse at the same time.
172. Polyandry - The practice of keeping many husbands at same time.
173. Bride - A girl who is going to be married or has just got married
174. Bridegroom - A man who is going to be married or has just got married
175. Dowre - Cash or kind given by the parents of the bride to the bridegroom and his relatives
176. Alimony - Money paid regularly to a divorced wife under court order
177. Paramour - Lover of a married woman /Beloved of a married man.
178. Bachelor - A man who has never married.
179. Spinster - A women who has never been married.
180. Widow - A women who has lost her husband and never remarried.
181. Widower - A man whose wife died and who hasn’t married again.
182. Kennel - A place for keeping dogs/ A house or shelter for a dog
183. Hutch - A place where rabbits are kept
184. Stable - A place where horses are kept
185. Sty - A place where pigs or swine are kept
186. Aviary - A place Where birds are kept
187. Apiary - A place for keeping bees
188. Den - The lying place of the wild beasts
189. Aquarium - A place Where fishes are kept
190. Burrow - The underground dwelling place of an animal
191. Orphanage - A place Where orphans are housed
192. Orchard - A place Where fruits are grown
193. Hangar - A place for keeping aeroplanes
194. Mint - A place where currency / money is coined
195. Auditorium - A part of a theatre where audience sit
196. Dray - A squirrel ’s home
197. Laundry - A place Where clothes are washed and ironed
198. Dairy - A place for production and treatment of milk
199. Garage - A place for keeping Motor cars
200. Library - A house of keeping books
201. Lavatory - A place of discharge from the bowels
202. Laboratory - A place Where scientific experiment are carried on
203. Museum - A place Where treasures of art & curiosities are kept
204. Cow shed - A shelter or shed for cows
205. Pitch - A place Where batting of cricket ball takes place
206. Studio - A place Where films are produced.
207. Tannery - A place Where leather is tanned.
208. Resort - A place visited for enjoyment or health.
209.Brewery - A factory for manufacturing wine.
210. Cellar - An underground place for storing wine or alcoholic drinks.
211. Kindergarten - A school for infants and young children.
212. Pen - A house or shelter for a confined cow.
213. Quay - A place Where ships are loaded and un loaded.
214. Philology - Study of language
215. Meteorology - Study of the earth ’ s atmosphere and its changes / weather
21. Anthropology - Study of mankind
216. Theology - Study of religion
217. Anatomy - Science of the structure of animal bodies
218. Exobiology - Study of life in outer space
219. Oncology - The study and treatment ( medicine) of cancer
220. Archaeology - Study of ancient societies
221. Ecology / Ecosystem - The study of plants or living organisms or peoples in relation on environment.
222. Genetics - Science of heredity
223. Pathology - The scientific study of disease
224. Orthopaedics - Science of the injuries and disease of the bone
225. Hematology - The scientific study of blood and its disease
226. Ecology - Study of relation between organism and environment
227. Petrology - Study of rocks
228. Cosmology - Study of the evolution of universe
229. Ornithology - The study of birds
230. Gynaecology - The treatment of female disease
231. Neurology - Branch of the medical science which studies the nervous system
232. Pediatric - The branch of medical science dealing with children disease
233. Entomology - the study of insects
234. Etymology - The science of the origin and history of words.
235. Linguistics - Scientific study of language
236. Phonetics - The study of the sounds made by the human voice in speech
237. Phonology - The study of the speech sounds
238. Morphology - Study of forms of words or structure of animals and plants
239. Semantics - the study of meanings of words and phrases in a language
240. Syntax - the rules of formation of sentences
241. Autonomy - The right of independent self - government
242. Democracy A government of the people, by the people and for the people
243. Monarchy - A government by a king
244. Dictatorship - A government by on man who is all powerful
245. Oligarchy - A government by a few / a small group of people
246. Bureaucracy - A government by officials
247. Autocracy - A government by one man who has complete / unlimited Power
248. Plutocracy - A government by the rich ( especially the richest have power)
249. Aristocracy - A government dy the Nobles
250. Pantisocracy - A government in which all rule equally
251. Theocracy - A government by the divine guidance ( church authorities)
252. Secular - A state where all religions are respected
253. Diplomacy - The art practiced by the statesmen
254. Meritocracy - A social system in which people have power because of their abilities, not because of their money or social position
255. Rebellion - An armed rising Against a government
256. Revolt - General Uprising against the government
257. Sovereignty - The Supreme power of a state
258. Mutiny - Revolt against a lawful authority
259. Coup - A sudden, violent and illegal seizure / taking of power government especially by ( part of) an army
260. Barren - A women who cannot conceive
261. Cantonment - A place Where soldiers are housed
262. Anonymous - Not bearing the name of a writer
263. Ignorant - Destitute of knowledge
264. Monotonous - Characterised by dull uniformity
265. Illiterate - A person who neither read or write
266. Garrulous, Talkative - A person who talks much
267. Bastard, Illegitimate - A child not born of legal parents
268. Heterosexual - Love or attraction for the same sex
269. Corps - The dead body of a human being
270. Carcass - The dead body of an animal
271. Mortuary - A place Where dead bodies are kept temporarily
272. Exhume - To dig up a corpse
273. Hearse - A vehicle for carrying dead bodies to the ceremony
274. Catacombs - underground caves with burying palaces for the dead
275. Chauvinism - Excessive patriotism
276. Monologue - A long speech by an actor in play or movie
277. Obsolete - Something that becomes outside.
278. Manuscript - A piece of writing done by hand / A paper written by hand
279. Autograph - A person’s own handwriting
280. Memorandum - A not to help memory
281. Slang - Words used in common language but not in literature
282. Ignorance - Lack of knowledge or information
283. Album - A book with blank pages for keeping photograph or Stamps
284. Interne - A medical graduate serving his apprenticeship in a hospital
285. Maternity - A stage of motherhood
286. Myopia - A stage of short - sightedness
287. Hypermetropia - A stage of long - sightedness
288. Anaesthetic - A medicine which produces insensibility
289. Antiseptic - A substance which kills germs
290. Post - mortem, Autopsy - Medical examination of a dead body
291. Abortion - Medical termination of pregnancy
292. Amputation - To cut off a part of person’ s body which is infected
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