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Home » » Nazrul as a poet of Democracy

Nazrul Islam, in his concept of humanism and democracy, resembles Walt Whitman. Like Whitman he has the highest respect for humanity, According to him, man is above everything else. He even chastises those priests and mollahs who put loyalty to the holy scriptures above human solidarity. He openly condemns those who kill human beings in the name of any scriptures, recalling the fact that all holy scriptures were brought into existence by human beings themselves. All through his career, Nazrul sang the glory and victory of man. To hate a man, he thinks, is sheer injustice because God manifests Himself through man. As a lover and poet of man Nazrul thought of man very much. His heart melted with pity at the sufferings of the downtrodden, the oppressed, and the neglected. 

Nazrul fervently supported the ideals of social and economic justice, and consciously combined his advocacy of religious equality, with an advocacy of economic equality. It is evident from his writings and practices that he strongly believed in the need to oppose the rise of communal violence by suggesting two imperatives-communal harmony and united class struggle waged jointly by laboring Hindus and Muslims. Nazrul actually championed class struggle, fighting landlordism or factory exploitation. Nazrul’s writings “effectively reveal his combined commitment to equality between the members of different religions, with an equally strong commitment to the struggles of Bengals laboring population for social and economic equality: This Nazrul stands as a poet of the democratic ideal.


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