George Orwell wrote the allegorical novella Animal Farm. It was published in 1945 and examines concepts of social class and corruption. The novella is thought to be a political lesson because it contains many elements that are strikingly similar to the Russian Revolution and the Civil War of the early 20th century. The majority of the story's main characters are farm animals like pigs, horses, pigeons, and dogs. The animals form social classes based on their species, representing various social and political groups in Russia, as they join forces against humans.
Horses are a noteworthy species. They make up a large workforce and represent various social roles, such as the laborer, the vain bourgeois woman, and the motherly woman. Clover is the group's "motherly mare." She cares for Boxer, and her partner, and holds the younger animals in the meeting house. Although she is unable to fully read, she makes an effort to remain informed about the farm's political changes. She ends up being viewed as the older teacher of the younger animals because she tells old stories about victories in battle, rising leaders, and changing culture.
In Animal Farm, who does Clover represent?
Animal Farm is a story that teaches a larger lesson through allegory and symbolism. Tolerance of evil is one of the many important lessons in this book. Orwell demonstrates that those who ignore evil or corruption actually facilitate its development. Clover is a good example of this idea. Clover is a good example of a working-class woman because she keeps an eye on everything that's important but doesn't do much about it, notices big changes but doesn't do anything about them, and follows the orders of the powerful and educated.
Every significant scene in the narrative features clover. She is present at the beginning when Mr. Jones is in charge and the farm is called Manor Farm. When Old Major, a pig, talks about the Rebellion and the animals win their independence and rename the farm Animal Farm, Clover is optimistic. She participates in the Battle of Cowshed, but only during the ambush with her male counterparts. She is saddened as another pig named Napoleon starts to kill any animal he thinks is a traitor. Clover is passing on history to a new generation as the story winds down. She remembers every step that the animals took to get from Manor Farm to Animal Farm and back again, and as a result, she becomes a treasure trove of information. She can tell when something is not right; Nevertheless, she watches in disbelief and allows it to occur.
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