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Home » » What is Structuralism?

This stands for the pattern or plan of structure whatever this may be. It donates how the structure of a work may be executed.  Of course, Structuralism applies to the structure of a building,  rather than the architectural or constructive skill involved.  In literature,  whatever the type may be,  prose, verse, or drama,  it is of a specific significance.  It determines significantly the character of  a literary work,  particularly regarding its art of structure,  the harmonious blending of different materials to have a total effect to achieve impressiveness 

The structure is also related to the form of a literary work. After all, a work of literature has several component parts and their proper arrangements or appropriate fittings constitute or determine its impressiveness. The order and shape, in appropriate proportions of different constituents,  enhance the beauty of the form which is also the structure. 

Structural elegance is really of much significance in a literary work,  although the structural design is found to differ from age in all matters - literary or mechanical. In the Aristotelian concept,  tragedy has a threefold structural division - the beginning,  the middle, and the end.  In the Romantic plays of the Elizabethan age, the structural deviation results in the plays of five Acts. In modern theatre,  the scope of the structural variation is found to much widened from one-act plays to two, three, or four-act plays. Structural diversifications are also distinctly marked in other literary forms,  such as odes, elegies, and sonnets.  There are regular odes as also irregular odes. While in the former class, each stanza has the structural balance in the presence of an equal number of lines,  in the latter class, there is marked a glaring irregularity in the number of lines in each stanza,  varying even,  as in Wordsworth's Immorality Ode,  from 8 lines to 39.                                                                               


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