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Home » » What is apocalyptic movement?

The term ' apocalyptic' derived from Greek apocalyptic that means 'to disclose', to reveal'.  Apocalypse is the name given    to the Last Book Of the New Testament,  The Revelation of ST. John. Apocalyptic literature comprises prophetic or rather quasi-prophetic writings, whatever may be its type, relating to some spiritual vision or revelation. Such a vision or revelation is often laden with the dread of impending doom or the sombre prediction of the destiny of mankind. 

The Apocalyptic Movement indicates the return or repetition of such visions or revelations in different literary works. Such works are distinctly animated with a profound interest in spiritual faith as well as imagination.  An early example of this sort of writing is Wulftsan's homily ( or address)  to the english Against the savage Danish inroads. In the medieval works Pears, such a spiritual vision occurs although there is no threat of damnation or doom in that. Sermon literature is found to abound in apocalyptic visions.

The Apocalyptic Movement is neither regularly nor seriously pursued in English literature.  This is perceived rather loosely in different literary works ,  not always spiritual or divine.  This movement may be marked in a good deal of Blake's poetry.  A short poem Stupidity Street ( by Ralph Hudson) has such a grim prediction for human greed and Cruelty. Thomson's City of Dreadful Night, H.G. Welsh's Mind at the End of Its Tether,  George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four bear the apocalyptic vision of despair depression and destabilization of the human race.              



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